Remote Nurse Connection

Resume Services
& Resources

Looking for options to get your resume spruced up for Remote Nurse & Biotech Jobs?

This guide has the goods you're looking for!

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    Andrea Bossel MSN, RN-BC, CPC

    Remote Nurse & Biotech

    Job Search Expert

    Who am I?

    Founder & CEO @ Remote Nurse Connection

    Professionally, I’m a clinical analyst with 20+ years of nursing experience. I know how challenging it can be to balance work and family life, especially for nurses who are parents, caregivers, and travelers. I was a critical care travel nurse for years before making the switch to remote nursing.

    After successfully landing the perfect job for my needs, it became my calling to connect the dots for others who needed help finding balance during a specific season of their life.

    What will you receive?

    • Guide includes specifically curated resume resources for remote nurse & biotech jobs.
    • Custom resume writing services
    • DIY resume resources